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Thursday, October 19, 2006

my hands feel like two slabs of concrete rubbing against each other.
like skin on gravel, like gravel on skin.
fuckin ezcema taking over my body.

James Barr at 9:39 AM

Thursday, October 12, 2006

my nose is running like leonardo di caprio from tom hanks in "catch me if you can". its running like a running tap. like linford cristie. like forest gump on a leg-device. like a running tap. i already said that. you know what i never understood why a tap is "running" when switched on. maybe it comes from how a machine "runs" when it is working. so when a tap is working then it is running. but then when it comes to noses, it must mean the same thing then that when it is running, it is actually working. but your nose isnt supposed to work like that. what is a nose for? (apart from smelling) why didnt god just make everything smell nice. then we wouldnt need a nose. and he could make everything taste nice. then we wouldnt need tongues. but wait if we didnt have noses or tongues then we wouldnt really taste at all so he wouldnt have to make anything taste of anything really. then there wouldnt really be much point in making anything at all. and so maybe he should have done nothing, but if did nothing why does he exist. what does he do? so maybe there wouldnt be a god. there would just be little asteroids and space debris floating around and a couple of planets hanging out. but if there isnt any life or god, then what are the planets there for? their useless so they might as well not exist at all either. and without planets obviously we dont need a sun or solar system, or universe. so then i think smelling is rather important now, dont you think.

lets talk about other senses. like seeing and hearing. you know something else i think about when im doing nothing ( which is most part of my day ). i think, what about those schools for the blind and deaf. do they go to school together? how do they communicate? i mean the deaf kids would be like sign language-ing, but the blind kids cant see it! and the blind kids cant talk to the deaf kids because they cant hear! do they just run around hitting each other with sticks? i think that would be a rather fun school. we could have teachers who cant see or hear, so they can relate to both parties. that would be a wickid school man, id like to go there. id pretend to be blind and just keep staring at the hot teacher who is ALSO blind. hahaha that would be awesome... it'd be like mutual blindness, and we could make sweet blind love. and nobody would know because their DEAF!!!

dammit i hate councillors. i used to have to go to one. they talk to you like.. i dunno it makes it worse. they just make your problems seem worse. its like "so do you want to talk about it? is it bothering you?". it doesnt bother me! it doesnt bother me! it doesnt bother me! fuck off!!!! and they'd reply "your angry, its okay channel your anger". im not angry!! your making me angry because i didnt start off angry! i never saw the point of councillors. i mean IF you we're a bit cukoo in the head, you tell a councillor... thats it brother/sister. your into a centre for loonies. they just tell everyone else what you said. thats the point. dont tell em, ssshhhh. why do you think they write everything down. so they can fax it to doctors, DUH. or maybe their just writing their shopping list because they really couldnt give a crap about you, just like 32 of their other patients. "oh okay your the one with divorce... hmm wait a minute let me get my flow chart, okay where do we start okay here...... so how do you feel since it happened?". what am i saying i really dont know anymore i haven't blogged in so long its just all coming out and i cant stop it.

i have run out of anything more meaningful to say that will directly benefit you, so i shall fill the rest of the space here by inserting ROCK SIGNS! \m/\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/

James Barr at 7:30 AM

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

i was um walking down the street the other day,
i saw this homeless man and he had a sign post that said,
"anything will do"
so well, i gave him a sign post.

James Barr at 5:51 AM

your lipstick, his collar

Sorrow drips into your heart through a pinhole Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting i am james, you are stranger.. lets make love. 13/f/sg millionsopeaches@hotmail

Just like a faucet that leaks and there is comfort in the sound

But while you debate half empty or half full,

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It slowly rises, your love is gonna drown

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If I could open my arms, And span the length of the isle of Manhattan, I'd bring it to where you are, Making a lake of the East River and Hudson. And if I could open my mouth, Wide enough for a marching band to march out, They would make your name sing, And bend through alleys and bounce off other buildings. I wish we could open our eyes, To see in all directions at the same time. Oh what a beautiful view, If you were never aware of what was around you. And it is true what you said, That I live like a hermit in my own head. But when the sun shines again, I'll pull the curtains and blinds to let the light in. Sorrow drips into your heart through a pinhole. Just like a faucet that leaks and there is comfort in the sound. But while you debate half empty or half full, It slowly rises, your love is gonna drown. (4x) Your love is gonna drown. (4x) Your love is gonna...

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