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Monday, September 25, 2006

I was in love with the place
in my mind, in my mind.
I made a lot of mistakes
in my mind in my mind.

James Barr at 10:51 AM

Friday, September 22, 2006

thursday in the office was pretty productive. if by productive you mean slicing your fingertip with a pen knife, and getting food poisoning and spending the rest of your afternoon over the toilet bowl, then i guess you are spot on.

you cant blame me, i was just cutting stuff normally when the penknife took an unexpected veer to the left scimming atop the ruler and into the soft nerve-filled flesh of my index finger. i recoiled in agony as i squeezed it in an atempt to stop all pain from reaching my brain. but in doing so only managed to juice the blood out from the opening, a dark crimson ooze. okay maybe im exaggerating, but it hurt like crap and i want some sympathy, since everyone in the office didnt even notice as they we're too busy listening to chio san san, doing random meaningless work or pretending to. and hey your finger tips are the most sensitive part of the body! so there.

anyway, as i said i was suddenly attacked by a case of food poisoning, and regurgitated my whole meal of fish and chips up in 2 sessions at the toilet bowl. i even trusted my boss in accepting his offer of some chit-kit ( chinese medicine which are the black balls things), but it only tasted like shit, which made me vomit another time. i guess you gotta be chinese to take chinese medicine or am i just being racist here. hey peace my yellow friends.

anyway im on MC today, a slightly amusing coincidence since i was supposed to be co-emcee(haha get it? MC emcee...) for some closing ceremony for the 5power meetings. but luckily fate has let me out of those grasps so i dont have to speak in an ever so controlled fake tone in front of people who dont give a crap about you, yay hooray for me! yay... sigh..

i feel so supressed by the saf. just because of my medical condition they have banished me to an office prison. i could have gone far. i could be rolling on top of a tank, or parachuting out a plane or leading men through an assault course or fire-ing a anti tank gun at a tank and making it anti-ed, or losing weight, or flying a fighter jet. but no! we will never know what i was truly capable of, what was my capacity for leadership and my decisiveness in times of crisis. we will never know what i could have been. why? because i my friends, have dry skin!

instead i spend my afternoons using a ruler and pen knife to cut little shapes with peoples names on them, and cut myself in the process. i dont know how we as clerks take this. my brothers of the paper, we should stand up and fulfill our glory! rise amongsts the ranks of the injured and medically challenged.

(okay la okay la stfu la enough of this bullshit james.)

im sorry sometimes i get a bit too carried away. maybe its these pills im taking. their awfully strangely coloured and very large.

oh and thanks for all the birthday greetings and stuff.... :)

James Barr at 9:36 AM

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

James Barr at 6:55 AM

Thursday, September 07, 2006

"the f**king best video rachel has ever shown to me. the f**king best video in the f**king world."
if you are sane, you will click PLAY.
thank you come again.

James Barr at 10:02 AM

your lipstick, his collar

Sorrow drips into your heart through a pinhole Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting i am james, you are stranger.. lets make love. 13/f/sg millionsopeaches@hotmail

Just like a faucet that leaks and there is comfort in the sound

But while you debate half empty or half full,

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It slowly rises, your love is gonna drown

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If I could open my arms, And span the length of the isle of Manhattan, I'd bring it to where you are, Making a lake of the East River and Hudson. And if I could open my mouth, Wide enough for a marching band to march out, They would make your name sing, And bend through alleys and bounce off other buildings. I wish we could open our eyes, To see in all directions at the same time. Oh what a beautiful view, If you were never aware of what was around you. And it is true what you said, That I live like a hermit in my own head. But when the sun shines again, I'll pull the curtains and blinds to let the light in. Sorrow drips into your heart through a pinhole. Just like a faucet that leaks and there is comfort in the sound. But while you debate half empty or half full, It slowly rises, your love is gonna drown. (4x) Your love is gonna drown. (4x) Your love is gonna...

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