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Sunday, July 24, 2005

ever feel that everything you do goes unappreciated?
ever feel so alone and lost?
ever feel youve gotten out on the wrong side of bed again?
ever feel nothing goes your way?
ever feel people look the other way?
ever feel like running away?
your not alone.
your not.
and im sleeping with ghosts.

James Barr at 1:50 PM

Saturday, July 23, 2005


apart from being the abbreviation for a very cool game (Day Of Defeat). it also happens to be my mid year results. and that aint too good at the same time. so its no suprise i got banged at PTM. ah well im going to work harder than hard nuts from now on. and hard nuts are hard. you try opening a walnut with your teeth. yeah... so there. so the computer = evil. anyhow my sister downloaded this song called "soldiers of allah - track 1" and i am listening to it now. let me quote you some lyrics"

- they are led by greed. we are led by god and you.
- allah take my life my soul take my body take full control.

nice.. my sister is turning into a terrorist. although i have to admit the beat aint that bad.
by the way any FBI/CIA/NNB police reading this. i am just KIDDING... geez

James Barr at 8:10 AM

Friday, July 22, 2005

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James Barr at 2:19 AM

Thursday, July 21, 2005

i want mean ass dreadlocks.
so i can swing em around in the mrt.
and put beads on em.
and sing reggae songs.
and not wash em for weeks.
and breed a colony of ticks.

James Barr at 7:56 AM

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

haha elsa what happened was before they played he ( the freaking bassist
of copeland <-- ) asked the crowd :
"anyone got a wrist band?"
then i reach into my pocket and was like wtf.
so he played the show with it then threw it back at me after.
hahah! im never going ot wash it again man!
okay that was too long to tag so..

anyway i cant wait for PTM. so much fun. yay!
and i can wait to blog cause me is le tired.

ali g : so like if i was given the death sentence. could i get a last meal?
so like if i asked for an all i can eat buffet. does that mean i can eat forever
and ever and ever?

James Barr at 8:35 AM

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

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James Barr at 9:18 AM

Sunday, July 10, 2005

is it on?
mic test.
test test, testing.
test test.. testicles.

James Barr at 8:15 AM

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James Barr at 8:14 AM

the clocks running down
the teams loosing ground
to the opposing defense.

well im sure everyone'll be back blogging about how the catholic retreat didnt really work for them. well for me anyways. i just felt it was done at a time when everyone was just worrying about mid years and school and everything else. i dont know what made last years retreat so special but it really was one of a kind. apart from schreaming lechelle and cherub cherub, getting wax poured on my knee (s and m) style, my faith level still remains in the god is a word region. a powerful word at that. oh well its 11pm. history essay due tomor. doesnt look like im going to get it done. not like this is unfamiliar territory to me. sorry world! its gods fault!

people are hypocrites! lets love the animals. but wait what about reproduction...
here kitty kitty kitty.

James Barr at 8:03 AM

Thursday, July 07, 2005

my sister is coming back on wednesday to visit.
yippee. actually not that i give a flying fox.
actually i do.
so i cant wait. haha
and i can find out how she is related (not biologically) to dell?
in some funny way which im not told of.

its officially proven that ms. ting suffers from schizo or however you spell it symptoms.
one minute can be so happy go lucky smiley. then the next : telling marvin to SHUT UP! and listen to her. wahaha freaking insane. she needs to be on the pill. just like the members of my family.

okay sian blog. bye

James Barr at 3:33 AM

your lipstick, his collar

Sorrow drips into your heart through a pinhole Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting i am james, you are stranger.. lets make love. 13/f/sg millionsopeaches@hotmail

Just like a faucet that leaks and there is comfort in the sound

But while you debate half empty or half full,

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It slowly rises, your love is gonna drown

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If I could open my arms, And span the length of the isle of Manhattan, I'd bring it to where you are, Making a lake of the East River and Hudson. And if I could open my mouth, Wide enough for a marching band to march out, They would make your name sing, And bend through alleys and bounce off other buildings. I wish we could open our eyes, To see in all directions at the same time. Oh what a beautiful view, If you were never aware of what was around you. And it is true what you said, That I live like a hermit in my own head. But when the sun shines again, I'll pull the curtains and blinds to let the light in. Sorrow drips into your heart through a pinhole. Just like a faucet that leaks and there is comfort in the sound. But while you debate half empty or half full, It slowly rises, your love is gonna drown. (4x) Your love is gonna drown. (4x) Your love is gonna...

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